Brand naming

Easy to get it wrong—a headache to fix it.
Let‘s brainstorm a naming strategy that stays relevant to your innermost business drive, even after you pivot three times.
Hey, Zlatko. I didn’t realize you had the prowess to help me name my brand.
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Well, one can only hope my side projects have imparted some wisdom—if nothing else, they’ve certainly given me a knack for wordplay.
Neat. Do you have a standardized process for this service?
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Absolutely! I have a checklist of criteria that helps me conjure a brand name resilient enough to endure ever-changing business priorities.
Such as?
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I usually check for timelessness and flexibility, unambiguousness and cultural flexibility, intrigue and storytelling potential, sentence context, trademark and domain availability, and sound symbolism.
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Yes, it’s a mouthful, I know. 😊
Sound symbolism? Pray tell, what’s that?
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Ah, it’s my way of evaluating how a name sounds to the discerning ear. Too many consonants can make a name trip over itself, and various cultures have their unique pronunciations. Plus, it’s curious how some letters seem to carry a certain gravitas.
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For example, have you noticed how many renowned brands start with “K”? It’s practically a superpower.
Intriguing indeed! Enlighten me further on the other aspects.
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Let‘s take timelessness and flexibility. I aim for a name that can endure multiple pivots and stay relevant if you decide to conquer new verticals. After all, you wouldn’t want a name that your business success can quickly outgrow.
True. And what’s this business about unambiguousness and cultural flexibility?
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This helps me spot possible creeping double meanings, particularly with conjugated words. A name that sounds dandy in English could be a cultural faux pas in another language.
Got it. Well, my market is primarily European, but we might branch out to Asia soon.
Now, you got me curious. What‘s intrigue and storytelling potential?
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As a rule of thumb, your name (just like your logomark) can‘t—and it shouldn‘t—fully describe your business activities. In fact, it should only hint at it to evoke a feeling and create a mental image in your customer‘s hearts and minds.
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Plus, it should flow effortlessly in conversation. Imagine a customer saying, “Did you check out [brand name] yesterday?” without sounding like you’ve just gargled marbles.
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Also, let‘s not forget that your brand name should be easily spelt over the phone.
That’s quite a novel way of thinking about brand naming.
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Why, thank you!
But what if you find the perfect name, only to discover the .com domain is taken?
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That‘s almost always the case. But let‘s not forget that there are 100+ creative domain extensions that you could use for a start. And then, once your empire reaches new heights, a six or seven-digit fee for a .com domain would be a bargain for you.
And what about trademark availability?
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For that, I can direct you to resources for a preliminary check on name availability across various so-called “classes.” But it is better to consult an intellectual property lawyer for the nitty-gritty.
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A savvy IP lawyer can help you secure a local trademark, and as your brand grows, you’ll be better positioned to claim rights elsewhere.
Now that you’ve spilled the beans, I could theoretically use these guidelines to craft a name myself.
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Indeed, you could. The guidelines I shared can be found online. But I‘d like to think that my value in this area lies in how I‘ve trained my brain to think and concoct unexpected word plays.
Care to share an example?
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I can give you three. But for the sake of brevity, allow me to share the story of the meaning behind this website‘s name.
I’m all ears.
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I wanted a name that encapsulates my drive to create artisanal, thoughtful online experiences. I aimed to transcend the typical design studio pitch of increasing “engagement” and delve deeper into a more genuine approach to design. Thus, I birthed “ensage,” offering my clients “ensagement” to their customers.
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The term isn’t in the English dictionary, granting me the freedom to sculpt its semantics. So, I tied it to the root word “sage,” evoking wisdom, helping that through my creative services, I will inspire my clients’ customers to emerge a tad wiser from the online experiences I design.
Ah, clever!
Well, for my startup, we don’t need to plumb those depths of symbolism, but I’d love your assistance in brainstorming a rock-solid name.
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That‘s why I‘m here.
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As I lack a client success record for this service, I make this service donation-based.
Fair enough. Let‘s begin.
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Great. Feel free to bookmark this site for your future reference.
Wait, what? That’s so delightfully meta. 🤯

Let‘s make something where your customers‘ hearts skip a beat, and your competitors drop dead.