Iconduck – The largest open-source hub for all things vectors

From a side project in 2020 to a profitable business in three years, Iconduck positioned itself as an industry leader in open-source creative resources. But to scale up further, Oliver Nassar, the founder, realized that Iconduck needed a complete creative revamp.

As one of the most significant projects I‘ve worked on, Iconduck got a new iconic logo and an expanded website, emphasizing the various ways vectors can be searched and filtered. There is a lot to talk about. So, without further ado, let‘s begin.

Visit iconduck.com

Early logo exploration

Oliver and I knew that the logo should feature a symbol that quacks with personality. We knew it had to be a duck, but not just any duck. It needed to be iconic—simple enough to stick in your mind yet quirky enough to make you smile. The real challenge was to find the sweet spot between a simple yet memorable shape with just a few delightful details.

Mozaic of potential logomarks for Iconduck

The pixelated duck

After countless tweaks and debates, the duck symbol finally emerged. Say hello to the pixelated duck—a cheeky nod to the fact that all creative magic boils down to those tiny little squares called pixels.

To top it all off, I meticulously hand-drew a font, pixel by pixel, that’s just as delightfully pixelated as our duck, capturing the same quirky charm.

VisuallLockup of the final Iconduck logo

An online home for all 300.000+ vectors

The web interface had to flexible enough to allow people to effortlessly filter and download vectors by type, style, and license. The real challenge? To design a creative layout that’s both eye-catching and versatile, capable of showcasing a variety of vectors without making the layout all around the place.

More than just a website

The Iconduck website was packed with so many features that calling it just a website felt like an understatement—it was practically a full-fledged web application. Why? It offers everything from account creation and vector storage to payment checkouts and even vector color customization.

With all these bells and whistles, I had to dive deep into discovering and addressing the myriad of edge cases that could pop up during user interactions—think feedback notifications, component states, and everything in between.

Putting the designers at the forefront

The old Iconduck website didn’t quite do justice to the talented vector creators behind the scenes. So, in the redesign, one of our key objectives was to bring these creators into the spotlight.

So, I designed dedicated profiles for each creator, complete with a little hub where people could easily browse, filter, and appreciate the artists who make the magic happen.

Seamless checkout experience

Iconduck’s business model revolves around a paid subscription that unlocks unlimited downloads, higher resolutions, and full access to all its third-party tool integrations. To make subscribing a no-brainer, I designed a checkout experience that’s smooth as butter, with a focus on highlighting all the perks waiting on the other side.

Design of marketing materials

To keep the brand story consistent, the Iconduck visual style from the website needed to flow seamlessly into all marketing materials. This meant designing promotional assets for plugins and other integrations with the same distinctive style and visual flair, so every piece—from banners to social media posts—felt like part of one cohesive narrative.

Pattern library to the rescue

Given the website‘s complexity, I needed a system to keep all the elements, components, and patterns in check. Enter the pattern library: a meticulously crafted guide that lays out every detail, ensuring everything on the Iconduck website follows the same consistent and coherent design language.

This library became the blueprint of the website and beyond, bringing order to the creative chaos.

A meta project

The pattern library got so complex and detailed that it deserved its own interface having meticulous explanations of each element and component. There is a lot to explore in there, so make sure you prepare your favorite drink beforehand.

Thumbnail photo of Oliver.
Zlatko is an incredibly talented product designer and thinker. He’s someone you can collaborate with deeply, and trust that you will leave the experience with a better product and business than before.
Oliver Nassar, Founder of Iconduck

Let‘s make something where your customers‘ hearts skip a beat, and your competitors drop dead.